Wednesday, June 4, 2014

1z0-060 Upgrade to Oracle Database 12c - Use OUI, DBCA for installation and configuration (Manage Pluggable Databases)

Manage Pluggable Databases:



oracle@solaris:~$ dbca -createPluggableDatabase -help
Create a Pluggable Database by specifying following parameters:
                -sourceDB <Database unique name for RAC Database and SID for Single Instance Database>
                -pdbName <New Pluggable Database Name>
                [-createAsClone <true|false Create PDB as clone. When "true" is passed a new PDB GUID is generated for the plugged in PDB>]
                [-createPDBFrom <DEFAULT | FILEARCHIVE | RMANBACKUP | USINGXML>]
                        [-pdbArchiveFile    <Full path and name for PDB Archive file, required when creating new PDB using FILEARCHIVE>]
                        [-PDBBackUpfile    <Full path and name for PDB backup file, required when creating new PDB using RMANBACKUP>]
                        [-PDBMetadataFile    <Full path and name for PDB metadata file, required when creating new PDB using RMANBACKUP>]
                        [-pdbAdminUserName     <PDB Administrator user name, required only when creating new PDB>]
                        [-pdbAdminPassword     <PDB Administrator user Password, required only when creating new PDB>]
                        [-createNewPDBAdminUser     <Specify true if new PDB Administrator user need to be created after plugging in PDB from Archive or File Set.>]
                        [-sourceFileNameConvert     <This clause specifies how to locate files listed in PDB XML metadata file.>]
                        [-fileNameConvert     <This clause specifies how to generate names of files.>]
                        [-copyPDBFiles  <true|false  Specify true if PDB datafiles need to be copied.>]
                [-pdbDatafileDestination <PDB datafile area>]
                [-useMetaDataFileLocation <true|false  Specify true if datafile path defined in metadata file within PDB archive file is to be used when extracting datafiles.>]
                [-registerWithDirService <true | false>
                        -dirServiceUserName    <user name for directory service>
                        -dirServicePassword    <password for directory service >
                        -walletPassword    <password for database wallet >]
                [-lbacsysPassword   <LBACSYS user Password is required for configuring OLS with directory service.>]
                [-createUserTableSpace <true|false  Specify true if a default user tablespace need to be created in new PDB.>]

                [-dvConfiguration <true | false Specify "true" to configure and enable Database Vault
                        -dvUserName     <Specify Database Vault Owner user name>
                        -dvUserPassword     <Specify Database Vault Owner password>
                        -dvAccountManagerName     <Specify separate Database Vault Account Manager >
                        -dvAccountManagerPassword     <Specify Database Vault Account Manager password>]
oracle@solaris:~$ dbca -unplugDatabase -help
Unplug a Pluggable Database by specifying following parameters:
                -sourceDB <Database unique name for RAC Database and SID for Single Instance Database>
                -pdbName <Pluggable Database Name>
                        [-pdbArchiveFile    <Absolute file path and name for PDB Archive file>]
                        [-PDBBackUpfile    <Absolute file path and name for PDB backup file, required when archive type is RMAN>]
                        [-PDBMetadataFile    <Absolute file path and name for PDB metadata file, required when archive type is RMAN or NONE>]
                        [-archiveType       < TAR | RMAN | NONE >]
                [-unregisterWithDirService  <true | false>
                        -dirServiceUserName    <user name for directory service>
                        -dirServicePassword    <password for directory service >
                        -walletPassword    <password for database wallet >]
oracle@solaris:~$ dbca -deletePluggableDatabase -help
Delete a Pluggable Database specifying following parameters:
                -sourceDB <Database unique name for RAC Database and SID for Single Instance Database>
                -pdbName <Pluggable Database Name>
oracle@solaris:~$ dbca -configurePluggableDatabase -help
Configure a Pluggable Database specifying following parameters:
                -sourceDB <Database unique name for RAC Database and SID for Single Instance Database>
                -pdbName <Pluggable Database Name>
                [-dvConfiguration <true | false Specify "true" to configure and enable Database Vault
                        -dvUserName     <Specify Database Vault Owner user name>
                        -dvUserPassword     <Specify Database Vault Owner password>
                        -dvAccountManagerName     <Specify separate Database Vault Account Manager >
                        -dvAccountManagerPassword     <Specify Database Vault Account Manager password>]
                [-olsConfiguration <true | false Specify "true" to configure and enable Oracle Label Security >
                [-registerWithDirService|-unregisterWithDirService  <true | false>
                        -dirServiceUserName    <user name for directory service>
                        -dirServicePassword    <password for directory service >
                        -walletPassword    <password for database wallet >]
                [-lbacsysPassword   <LBACSYS user Password is required for configuring OLS with directory service.>]

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